Friday, July 9, 2010

Volunteering @ Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation Center

Finally I have sort out a break time for myself to update my blog. This month is going to be a busy month though! If you are following my blog, I've told you that I will be going to the Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation Center in Petaling Jaya for observation and volunteering. 
I managed to shot a very precious picture of the center's signboard. lol!

As they were not very encourage to take pictures of the center, besides taking pictures of the children also prohibited as some of the parents are very sensitive about people taking pictures of their child without permission. Yet we were not allow to put up the any photos of the children with special needs in the blog/ Facebook. 

Anyway, the first day of volunteering in the center was rather tiring! Got to wake up early in the morning as you know, the traffic in KL was horrible!

In order to reached the center in PJ on time, we depart from home at 7am. We joint the morning session from 9am to 12pm with the children and teachers. 
There were 2 classes going on the day. The classes were allocate according to the child's abilities, not by their age. So there were mostly in the mix age group. 

What I found very interesting was the way the teachers communicate with the children. The children were able to understand what the teacher said but somehow they will be a little bit slower to react.

It doesn't matter, as long as the child is able to do what the teacher had said that will be the best.

Beside, Makaton sign do helps a lot in communicating.

Luckily I've learn most of the Makaton sign with my lecture-Ms. Nagas! Love you Ms. Nagas! 
I was very impressed on my own that I was able to remember the signs and preformed it!
*wink wink*

When I used Makaton sign to communicate with the children, they understand!!!
I'm so happy when they reflected back the sign to me!  : D

Some of the simple Makaton sign I found on the net:

Anyway, there are too many to tell. But I would rather save it all to my report. HaHa!

It was a meaningful experience for me. Indeed I have an impulse/ urge to be trained in dealing with children with special needs. A therapist maybe?   :)



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David